Parenting Story

Parenting Story

Monday, May 18, 2009

Thanks babes!

Over the course of the past 12 weeks I have not taken the time to tell my husband how much I appreciate everything he does for our family. We discussed my quitting work even before Reese was born. At the time it was not really an option. The subject came up again when we got pregnant with Aidan. This time it really did not make sense for me to return to work to basically pay the daycare costs, so we decided that I would stay home. This Friday would have been my first day back to work after maternity leave, but because my husband has worked so hard, I am officially a stay at home mom. He is up at 6am every morning and doesn't usually get home until 6pm at night. Being at home doesn't necessarily mean that work stops though. He is checking emails, putting together proposals, taking phone calls, and writing reports throughout the night and on weekends as well. After all of this work, he still worries whether or not he will be able to provide for us financially, as he is only rewarded if he makes the sale. Though he wishes that we could take lots of vacations and buy the latest and greatest in electronics and recreational equipment, he is forgoing those dreams so that I can fulfill my dream of staying home with our children. I feel very lucky to have a husband who is willing to make such a sacrifice for his family. Thank you and I love you!

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