Parenting Story

Parenting Story

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Reese way back in October when we started potty training.

Finally after months of working on it, Reese went potty on the big girl potty! This has been a long and very frustrating journey and we are finally reaping the rewards! When Reese was about 16 months old she started pulling at her diaper after she had wet or saying poopy after she had had a bowel movement. She would also stay dry all night. These are signs that she was ready to potty train so we pulled the potty out of the box and tried to get her to use it. I thought that we would have enough time to get her to learn to go before Aidan was born, though I worried that she would regress after he was born. We started by putting her on the potty first thing in the morning when she woke up. I would give her a bowl of cereal and turn on cartoons or give her a book to read, and she actually went a few times right away. Unfortunately, she wasn't fully trained before Aidan was born. In the first two weeks after his birth, we didn't even pull the potty out or suggest that she use it. By the end of that 2 weeks I was feeling more up to the challenge and we went at it full bore. I set her on the potty first thing in the morning, before nap and before bed. She would happily sit for 20-30 minutes at a time, but would wait to pee until she got up and I put a diaper back on. After going through about 30 diapers one day, I decided to try real underwear.

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