Anyone who knows me, knows that I have had basically the same hairstyle most of my life. I keep my hair between chin and shoulder length, blow dry it straight and wear it with a part down the middle. Anytime I have looked remotely different, I have had somebody else do my hair. It is not that I love this look so much that I continue to wear my hair the same way, as much as it is that I am completely useless with any type of hairstyling equipment. Once in 8th grade I attempted to trim my own bangs. My hair was still wet, I held my bangs straight out and cut straight across. I was left with about 1 inch of bangs which looked completely ridiculous. I bawled and begged my mom to let me stay home from school, but there was no getting out of it! When I found out I was having a girl, I was excited about all of the pretty dresses and clothes that I would be able to dress her up in, but was absolutely dreading having to do anything with her hair. Thankfully, Randy's sister is awesome at doing hair and loves to do it, so we have had her do Reese's hair for the weddings or special events we have attended so far. This past weekend we had a wedding to go to and she was unavailable to help out. Not wanting Reese to go to the wedding all dressed up pretty in her dress with her wild, out of control hair, I decided to attempt an updo. After washing her hair, I brushed her hair with her part slightly off center. I then took a few strands and braided them. Finally, I pulled the rest of her hair back into a ponytail, leaving the ends secured in the rubberband like a bun. To cover up the rubberband, I used one of her old silk bows. Though it was fairly simple, it turned out very cute! I have a feeling that this could become Reese's go to look for wedding and special events in the future.

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