Parenting Story

Parenting Story

Friday, July 8, 2011

Preschool Bound

Reese had her 4 year check up and physical for preschool today. Thank goodness she is ecstatic to start school and has talked about it for months, or I don't think that we would have made it through all of the shots and pokes! She was oblivious when we went to the lab for the blood draw from a prick in her fingertip. Another couple was actually pointing out her calm behavior to their son who was getting himself all worked up about it. During the blood draw Reese was very inquisitive and watching what was going on. Afterward, it hit her that it was painful and she cried for the next 30 minutes. We saw the little boy that had been so worked up and he was smiling and exclaiming that the blood draw tickled! After the lab, we went to the eye doctor and had her vision tested. She passed with flying colors.
Finally, we were called back to see the doctor. She weighed in at 52 pounds and was 47 inches tall, off the charts on both counts! The doctor said to reduce the amounts of sweets and sodas (which we rarely give her) to get her weight in check, which I didn't understand because she is also tall for her age. I think that her weight would be a problem if she wasn't as tall, but her height and weight seem in perfect proportion to me! Finally, after getting 2 more shots and the physical forms, we were off! I can't believe that Reese is all ready and cleared to start school!

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