On Monday morning we began preschool and it went better than I could have imagined. The kids played with some educational materials while daddy headed out the door and I got organized. Then we gathered to sing a welcome song and talk about the date and weather.
Afterwards, I introduced our topic for the week, the alphabet, by singing the alphabet and reading "Dr. Seuss' ABC's". Since Reese already recognizes most letters of the alphabet, I made flash cards with upper and lower case letters for her to match up. I gave her 5 at a time to match. Aidan (2) is still learning his letters, so he and I looked over some alphabet books with pictures of words that start with the letters. When they were finished with their individual activities we had craft time with stickers.
I did not set any time constraints, whenever they were finished we moved on to the next thing. Finally, we moved to the toy room for them to free play.
My goal in doing preschool is not to make them smarter or more advanced than their peers, I simply want to keep them engaged and busy this summer rather than zoned out in front of the tv. I also hope that it will make Reese a bit more prepared for the start of preschool in the fall, as far as her attention span and following a schedule. Hopefully we can have some fun and the kids will be learning a little bit in the process.
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