Parenting Story

Parenting Story

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

So much going on!

In the month since my last post a lot of things have changed. I interviewed for a secretarial position and hope to find out tomorrow whether or not I will be awarded the position. We finally sold our house and close the 29th. I have been busy packing and preparing for the move in with my in-laws. I took Aidan in for his 4 month check up a few weeks ago and found out that he is growing even faster than I had expected. He was 27 1/2 inches and 17 pounds. The nurse told me to check out his car seat and make sure that he hadn't surpassed the height and weight limitations. When I got home I did and found that he should be moved out of it by 29 inches. I can't believe that at five months old I am going to have to move him up to a bigger carseat! Another sign that he is growing, recently he has been very fussy at night and wanting to eat nonstop before bed. Today I finally decided to try a little rice cereal in the afternoon and it went really well. I tried it with a spoon at first and he did ok, but soon he was too hungry to take the time for that, so I put it in a bottle and he gulped it down right away. Though he did poop right away tonight (he has been going a few days between bowel movements up until now), it did not seem to help him get ready for bed any faster. He has been staying up until 11 or later, changing my whole routine. Usually I get the kids to bed by 9:30 at the latest, go to bed with my husband so we have a little time to reconnect, get back up and clean/have a few minutes to myself to unwind before finally going to bed. Now I can't put Aidan down until 11 or later, get no time with my husband because he is already asleep and no time to myself because I have to clean up quick and get to bed myself. Maybe I'll have to try the rice cereal a little later or play with how much I feed him to see if I can get him to go to bed any sooner!

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